Friday, June 30, 2006

Thank you....

I feel like I owe a lot of people a really huge "thank you".....I've been getting a lot of wise counsel and care from a bunch of you lately and it's been so encouraging and heart-warming :D

A very special shout-out to Jacqueline, Felicity and Josh (my spiritual sisters.....and my younger brother....who's so much more mature and wiser than I).....the three of you are exceptional. You're able to combine wisdom with grace and love in a way that is rare and refreshing.

I also feel like I need to write a "change management" type of communication (cue the communication nerd in me).

Life is always in flux for me.....and, I'm used to that! I sometimes forget that others may not be as used to that....or intuitively deduct that if such and such a thing happens, it implies such and such a change. All that to say, I've felt a change happening in me for awhile now....before the trip, after the trip, etc. To sum it up, I just feel like I need a lot of quiet time....away from groups of people....not because I don't like people, but because I'm realizing that I need a lot more space.

So, that's where I'm at right now......kind of in an in-between place....trying to move towards more space and clarity....

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happy dancin'

Oh, it's a good day!!

I had no emails waiting for me this voicemails......manager isn't here....assistant has work to do......and I'm hungry so I can get a really great breakfast and I have time to enjoy it instead of inhaling it. I wrapped a couple of projects yesterday.....there are no crises or emergencies that need communication support. I have a pure desk day :)

Steve is still doing well......we're doing well! It's been two weeks......already......and yet it feels like it's only been that long. It's so hard to explain why it works without gushing.....but gushing can be fun :)

:D And now, I have another I'm sitting here at my desk.....Steve walks up with a newspaper and a breakfast bar for me.......see? That's what I'm talking about :)

Friday, June 23, 2006


Today was hard as nails.

It felt like 50 different projects required my attention at was very very draining.

But, it's ending on a completely different note...I just finished hanging out with Steve, Jordan, Stu, Dave and Marinela. And now, Stu and I are watching the Family Guy movie while Jordan, Steve and Dave are at the Broken Social Scene concert (Marinela had to be somewhere else for the evening).

Anyways, things are looking up!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

To Kevin

Are you happy now?

Update overdue

Sorry for the lag between's been a busy week and a bit :)

Lots of good stuff to is crazy, but in general is great...

Steve is awesome!

I think that just about sums it up :)

But, permit me to gush a little....

Steve is so funny and smart....he's ridiculously cute :) I just feel so comfortable with him....really at ease and myself. I feel supported and appreciated....And, I don't feel anxious or like I need to strive to be anything in particular when I'm with him.

I think that's enough gushing for the moment ;)

We've been hanging out a lot and getting to know one another....I've met some of his friends and I'll get to meet more this weekend......his friends are so sweet and just genuinely great people......

It's all just so....nice. I feel like life is shades of pink right now :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It was a.....what???

Good grief.

I'm not sure how I tumbled into it, but I found myself on a date last night (Lisa - we NEED to have a girl's coffee or some such thing....) was really wicked.

Dave Matthews Band + Molson Amph. + chill summerish evening + really cute boy = good time had by Roshan

Funny thing is....everything happened out of the blue......I didn't have plans to go to the show.....I got offered the ticket at the end of the work day and I went with someone I met pretty much at the same time.....her name was Nat...she is pretty cool, too! Then, I called Steve (the boy) who I knew was also going to the show to say "Hey! Guess what...." and the rest is last night's story. one point, he bent down and said to me, "This is a great first date, eh?" And, my response (like, for real and out loud) was, "Is that what this is??"

It's even funnier 'cause I've been sort of side-stepping a request for a date from this boy for the past week....I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do....funny that.

For those who have the burning desire to know......he knows I'm a Christian.....not sure if he is, but I don't really feel worried about it 'cause he seemed really stoked that I went on my India trip and stuff.....done loads of praying about this in the past few hours and I'm just left with a very nice sense that all will be well if I keep my actions God-honouring throughout.....


Monday, June 12, 2006

Unusual spots....

....of colour

....of schmutz

....of calm

....of pain

....of fun

It was a day of surprises.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Nothing like a day of fresh air and softball to make it feel like summer!

It was a gorgeous (though a little windy) day for our company softball tournament. My team was named "Paradise by the dashboard light" a la my friend Steven (isn't that the best name ever!!!). We didn't win per se....per se....we had tonnes of fun....and that's what really counts...isn't it?

Either way, I killed, do I miss playing competitive sports.....

I can't WAIT for FT softball this summer......I gotta get my skillz in better shape, but I found I was more than ok today for not having picked up a bat yet this year :)

I got a lot more colour today, nose is very very very bronzed (more so than my normal tint...)....

I have to admit to more than my fair share of ego boosts today, friend Steven and his friends kept me entertained the whole day....AND, I was invited to ride in a Jeep YJ with the top off and windows down.....AND, I was told that I was hot by Steve's physiotherapist friend.....and Steve.

Moving on.....

My parents dropped by the game to watch me play....I had my first at bat while they were there and I just cranked it :) It felt SO good!! I won't see them again for another 6 weeks 'cause they're off to Virginia for the summer.....wish I was retired :P

My mom made some incredible chocolate chip, mocha, walnutty cookies and gave us a whole tin full......she's so cool :)

Now, I have some down time....for about half an hour....then I'm gonna get prettied up for dinner....and pick a dinner place.....I feel like something on the finer side.......something with a view.....I'm thinking Panorama.....or something on College......not sure what though.....big K may have to give the final word.

I don't think I could've had a better friggin' day so far :D

Friday, June 09, 2006

The sun will come out.

It will, I can feel it :)

Things have been a little cloudy lately. I've had a long week. Getting back into things after the trip has been a challenge. But, perseverance is critical. And, reliance and submission are life-giving.

I had a migraine yesterday that rocked my world. I only feel a little achey today so that's eyesight is still a little strained, but it's not killing me.

I keep falling in love with my work...which is good because some days are the end though, I love it....I love my team!

Yay, team!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


...the soccer ball around was really fun tonight....especially when some random black lab joins the game and hoofs (well, she actually used her nose...) the ball right through Karl's legs......SO cute :)

Friday, June 02, 2006

Bliss. Full.

I'm at my parent's place from tonight 'til tomorrow's just really....nice.

I have the added pleasure of having big K with me....well...not yet 'cause he's still workin' in Bowmanville....just about to go pick him, my two worlds a good way.

It's going to be a time of eating, relaxing and shopping over the next 24 hours.... my dad made egg bread for brunch mom made momos tonight....mmmmm......and she made chocolate cake with peanut butter filling.....the woman is incredible.

I really love my family....they're so cool :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hold me closer tiny dancer.

Lol...that's for you, Rach :) It'll never get old :D

So...I have some random anecdotes from the day.....

1. Penis vs. pianist.....hard to distinguish the difference when pronounced by an English-speaking Francophone....I was in a meeting today and one of the Directors said something about a short term disability case where a person's functionality in their occupation could be impacted if they're a pianist and their finger gets cut off.....except "pianist" sounded like "penis"....I had to fight so hard to keep my decorum.

2. I thought Ryan was king of the "mama" jokes.....but I think Rachel could give him a run with "Ta mere est une vache sallee" (my apologies for the lack of accents....can't figure out the commands for them on a mac).

3. Ben Folds sings a pretty mean "Tiny Dancer."

4. I'm having a really rough time getting back into the social scene after my trip.....I really missed home and my friends here....but for some reason I have a resistance against any sort of social gathering....I want to see people, but I don't want to go out or be in large groups...but at the same time, I do....and then I don''s starting to worry me.....and that's starting to get really frustrating......I'm not sure what to do.

5. On a better note, work is good and I like being there! I really should build a fort there.....with cardboard boxes and pillows.

6. My parents bought my brother a Jeep Grand Cherokee.....lucky bugger. It's all pimped out, too....leather int., power everything.....heated friggin' seats.....I used to drive an Optima when I lived at home....when my brother inherited it from me, it actually died on him while he was on the 401, driving to an exam...!! It was an ass-car of the finest variety.

7. I really need to stop falling in love....especially when I'm not supposed to be dating until sometime in August..... *heavy exhale*

....and......I'm done.