Sunday, August 13, 2006


I was with my family for the was really nice and relaxing :) I got to see my brother and his fiancée (they got engaged!!!!!!!!!!) and some old family friends.

I don't often stay for more than a day or even one night with my parents because I usually get pretty antsy.......and I did have a bout of that on Saturday evening.....but for the most part, I really enjoyed it! It's nice to touch base with the old home every now and then. My hometown feels so familiar and I feel so nostalgic driving around town.....I ended up getting a little teary eyed a number of times over the weekend....driving by the house I grew up in......seeing our family friends after such a long time......

At the same time, so many things have changed.....the landscape is changing as developers build subdivision after subdivision, upon strip mall, beside big box store. People have moved, grown up, married, divorced, had babies, passed away.........

As much as I have a fondness for the old familiar, I love life as it is now and going forward.

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