Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Mysterious purple stains on my left hand

Yep, this is what my blog has devolved to.....commentaries on my hands and the stains from who knows what source.

I apologize sincerely for the lack of content today.

If I had a camera, I would take a photo of my hand for illustrative purposes. Alas, no camera....no photo....I really don't know where these stains came from.....I generally keep my hands clean......it looks like I held onto a purple marker the wrong way. I don't HAVE a purple marker. And, the marks are around the base of my pinky finger...so I guess it doesn't look like I held a marker the wrong way, unless I held it with my pinky finger. Which I would never really do. I suppose I should try washing the stains away. But, I don't really want to get up at the moment. Plus, that would erase the mystery that is bringing interest into my momentary banality....I have NO idea if that constitutes a proper sentence...I think I just made up the word "banality," but you get the point......or not.

Oh, you thought I wasn't actually going to continue writing about this? This is what happens when I get bored. You get to be bored, too!


  1. this is where you need to pretend to be a super sleuth.

  2. Have you eaten blueberries recently?

    I love mystery stains!

  3. Lol...after I posted about the stains, I totally forgot about them and they disappeared :)
